Looking Back to Move Forward

Date: 2-part series. Sunday, February 4 and February 11, 2024
Time: 1:00-4:00 pm both dates
Location: Crossing Life’s Bridges, 5396 Peaceful Lane NE, Carlos, MN
Cost: $99.00
What to wear: Comfortable clothing. Our arena lounge is heated.
Limit: 12 participants
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson
Just us for a fun, reflective, and proactive process – sharing, laughing, supporting, and imagining – in a small group setting as you participate in this hands-on personal journey in our heated arena lounge.
During this 2-part series, you will gain awareness and clarity into how your spent your time in 2023 as you look forward with intention to your 2024!
During our time together, you will have time to . . .
* reflect and connect with your 2023 experiences,
* explore possibilities for 2024, and
* create the next step of your journey . . . bit by bit!
Looking Back: 1st session – How would you describe your 2023?
Reflecting back on the previous year, it is likely we’ve all faced challenges and uncertainty. It is also possible amazing opportunities knocked on our door.
What stands out for you? What parts of your physical health, relationships, emotional and mental wellness, career, finances, spiritual life, and goals have been going well for you? What parts do you want or need to tweak, shift, or change?
Move Forward: 2nd session – What’s next?
As you move into 2024, you have the freedom to continue what is good for you, complete the things that are important to you, change (shift or maybe just tweak) what needs a little adjustment, or cross off things that aren’t serving you any longer.
Adjusting how we spend our time, embracing the important things in life, and shifting with intention will move us forward . . . bit by bit.
Cancellation Policy: You are holding a spot, so reservations for this two-part event is non-refundable unless we can fill your space. Please know that you may transfer your registration to another individual upon communication with Crossing Life’s Bridges.