Work with MYra

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Private Sessions
Equine Gestalt Coaching is a heart, mind, and body experience.
Through this unique, experiential process, I walk alongside you as the horses share their amazing gift of living in the present moment, helping you drop the outside chatter and noise so you can better understand and get to know yourself in a new way.
Offering a safe, supportive environment, we invite you to come as you are – no judgments, no expectations. You will be seen, heard, and valued.
Partnering with the horses, I will guide you through the Equine Gestalt process as you challenge and let go of the thoughts, feelings, and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living the life you want, while gaining the courage and clarity to navigate the twists and turns along the way.
If the time is right for you to unlock the chains that hold you captive, you will have the opportunity to stretch, grow, heal, and shift . . . bit by bit.
No horse experience is necessary, and you will not ride the horses.
Sessions will be held in the indoor (weather dependent) arena. Please dress accordingly and wear closed-toed shoes. A heated/air-conditioned lounge is also available.
Private Session: 1.5 hour session
Private Intensive Retreat: Three 1.5 hour sessions on two consecutive days.
Virtual or Phone Coaching Sessions may be blended with Equine Gestalt sessions to meet your specific needs.

As a coach, Myra embodies kindness, compassion, caring, and joy. It is comforting to be in her presence, and the light in her eyes is not only uplifting but reassuring, indicative of hope and the knowledge that the client has someone who is present, wise, and has your back.
The horses found the joy deep inside my heart and gave me permission to let go of my pain. I find joy now about who I am.
If you interested in a more structured Leadership opportunity, please visit the Leadership & Team Development section for in-person and virtual options.
Group Coaching & Workshops
You may prefer to participate in a small group setting where you can interact with other group members, share your thoughts and feelings, and learn from other’s experiences. Group size is limited to provide a more personal experience. The level of your engagement is up to you. The more you give, the more you receive.
We’re aware that participating in a group process may be a new experience for some. Therefore, throughtout the year, we create events that range in time and budget commitment, giving you the opportunity to dip your toe in the process or participate in a full day event.
At times, the group process is free flowing, meaning we process and honor whatever is on your hearts and minds while seeking healthy movement. At other times, the group may focus on various themes such as identifying your values, creating your vision, healing from a loss, reconnecting with self, understanding personality type and temperment, refining your rhythm, and other special topics.
Group coaching sessions and workshops are held in our indoor arena or barn (both weather dependent), at a predetermined location, or virtually. Location will be specified in event details.
When events are held at Crossing Life’s Bridges, horses will typically be involved on some level – weather permitting. Please dress accordingly and wear closed-toed shoes. A heated/air-conditioned lounge is also available.
Group Sessions: 2 to 3 hour sessions to full day events

This experience really helped me get out of my head and come back to the center of my spirit.
I appreciate the trust, skill, and support that comes not only from Myra but each horse as well. It isn’t easy to describe what happens here, but I feel empowered and amazed at this work. It’s incredible to witness.
- Are you so busy giving to everyone else that you’ve forgotten about self-care?
- Is it time to slow down and reconnect with that person in the mirror?
- Would you like to create a healthy rhythm in your life – home, work, rest, and play – but aren’t sure how?
Given the pace of everyday life and the demands of being pulled in multiple directions, it isn’t easy to live in the present moment. We try to convince ourselves that we’ll take better care of ourselves “when things slow down”, “after you finish a project”, “when the kids get older”, or “next month” – which turns into next year!
I get it. Been there. Done that. Still do that if I’m not intentional. What I learned is this cycle won’t shift on its own.
In order to give your best to those you love and care for, you need to prioritze taking care of yourself. News flash – It will look different for all of us, and that’s okay!
If this resonates with you, maybe it’s the right time to give yourself a unique and uplifting gift where humans and horses partner together to create a safe, supportive space to refuel your heart, reset your mind, and replenish your soul.
Retreats are held in the indoor arena (weather dependent) or at a predetermined location. Location will be specified in event details.
When events are at Crossing Life’s Bridges, horses will join us in some way – weather permissing. Please dress accordingly and wear closed-toed shoes. A heated/air-conditioned lounge is also available.
Retreats: 1.5 to 2.5 days
The retreat offered me a chance to slow down, relax, and learn more about myself. I felt the healing power of self-care. Taking care of my own needs benefits my family and friends. The presence of the horses was incredibly healing.
Leadership & Team Development
What’s your leadership style? Find out by clicking on the green tab!
Transforming Team Communication:
Who benefits? This series of workshops is designed for those who want to develop and improve the communication and relationships in their team and enhance their team’s performance and potential as each member is valued, heard, and appreciated.
Experience the power of the 5 Leadership Voices in this series of five interactive workshops designed to be used within a team setting. Through them you will deepen relational trust, unlock your team’s true potential, increase collaboration, and accelerate performance.
As each person discovers their Leadership Voice, they will increase their self-awareness and confidence. Each session ends with a clear set of actions for personal transformation.
The 5 Voices Workshop was helpful on so many levels for our team. We learned a great deal about ourselves and each other. We gained skills that will enable us to work more effectively with one another and those we supervise. The material is very accessible, and Myra’s passion and gifts for teaching and helping others grow personally and professionally made our time together engaging and left us wanting to continue our learning even after the workshop was finished.
Altitude Training:
Who benefits? Altitude Training is designed for individuals or teams who are seeking training in learning the art of leadership which focuses on getting you healthy before you start helping others reach their true potential.
Altitude Training is a weekly learning system mixed with practical tools to help you achieve higher levels of performance, self-awareness, and practical solutions to the real world issues you face by calibrating support and challenge to yourself and your teams.
Two options available to best suit your schedule and needs:
Small group coaching sessions aimed at deepening understanding and application while providing accountability on the journey.
- This is a 12-month process
- Online self-study using our online Altitude Training module
- Small group coaching session via zoom every other week
- Access to me as a coach to support you in the process as needed
Self-paced online training.
- Online self-study sessions using our online Altitude Training module
- May be combined with additional private coaching sessions
To hear more about this amazing opportunity, click on the video below!
Team Workshops & Retreats:
Are you looking for an interesting, interactive experience for your team where you can partner with horses?
This powerful experience will shift and transform the participant’s perspectives of themselves and their teammates, improve understanding and communication, and leave your team feeling energized.
** Stay tuned for more information as we get settled in our new location at Carlos, MN!
The GiANT Intensive:
Who benefits? The GiANT Intensive is a deep-dive, 1:1 experience designed for leaders who want to engage in an active learning process to start or continue their journey of becoming a leader worth following.
The Intensive process is designed to help you start down the path of becoming 100% healthy as a person and as a leader, and then help you to learn how to multiply and scale that healthy leadership inside your teams and family.
Each of the six sessions is designed to unpack a different aspect of your leadership to help you understand yourself better, and then equip you with how to use that awareness to make you more effective at everything you do.
Delivery Options: During our exploratory session, we will discuss delivery options and choose one that best suits your schedule and needs. Options range from a 2-day intensive to weekly, monthly, or every other month schedule with coaching sessions available.